Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reece's Follow Up CT Scan

Reece goes in for a follow up CT scan from his surgery a few weeks ago. They're making sure the cholesteatoma has not grown back and that everything is healing nicely.

He's been a bit of a handfull over the past few days. He really crashes off of his ADHD meds. He basically goes into his room, tells us to "go" and plays by himself for an hour or two. He's defiant and gets angered very quickly.

Seems like there's always something.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reece is Sick

Reece appears to be coming down with a cold or something. It's hard not to be paranoid with all of the swine flu scares and everything. We are going to get vaccine shots for both boys for the regular flu and Swine flu. Swine flu shots are to be available in October so they say. Scary stuff.

Reece's doctor says he has Alopecia, a condition where hair lost lost around the body, but mainly from the scalp. He has developed a few bare spots on the back of his head. We're upset about this as you could imagine. The last thing we want is for him to lose his hair, be stared at (more than he already is), and have to deal with yet another challenge. The challenges seem to keep coming. I'm sort of getting numb to all of the challenges Reece faces, and those that we face as a result.

Reece has recieved great reports daily from school. He seems to still be thriving in the school system here in MD. Since he has a one-on-one aid, he's able to stay focused and learn pretty quickly. We're thrilled with his progress.

We have not been able to find our tennis racquets since we moved so we bought new ones for the family over the weekend. Got the cheapest ones they had. $60 for 4 of them! With a dozen practice balls! They boys love playing. Owen seems to have picked it up quickly and was returning some soft shots I sent his way. Reece spent half the time trying to throw the balls over the fence and into a ditch and spinning his racquet. He did have some nice shots though. Both boys are extremely athletic. Reece likes basketball best and can actually make shots on a regulation 10 foot basket. Owen is all about baseball, football, and now tennis. It's fun.

Short business trip this week. Great opportunity with a prospect. Very blessed to have my job and to work for such a great company.

I'm interested in knowing if anyone has tried the Total Transformation Method! Give me a shout!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Update on Reece

Reece has been having a reaction to his ADHD medication. Taking him to an allergist and also to a Down Syndrome clinic for further evaluation. He's also losing his hair in the back of his head. Doctor says it's an auto-immune issue but we are also looking for more info from other docs.

If anyone has any recommendations on ADHD medication or treatment, I'm listening. If anyone has tried "The Total Transformation Method" advertised on TV and radio, I'm interested in your thoughts.

On a positive note, Alabama looked good against VA Tech Saturday night. We were a bit nervous but are happy with the win. Looking forward to the GA Tech game on Thursday night. Go Jackets!

Travel has died down for work. I am going to Philly on Monday night and tuesday of next week. Should be a good meeting.

I've been diving deeper into my Bible reading and am also studying Charles Stanley's "How to Listen to God". I've mentioned it before and it is still a great book. Combining this book with Chuck Swindoll's daily sermons on XM 170, I'm convinced that God is redirecting my life. He's given me a great job with a great company and is putting challenges in place to test my faith and obedience to follow His direction.

I recommend visiting the website for Truth for Life with Alistair Begg...great sermons and life lessons.

Be blessed. More soon.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Reece's First Football Game

Took the boys to a high school football game tonight. My wife's high school was playing at home here in town. My father in law does the public address for the game. Reece didn't do so well near the action, but played soccer with some other kids off a ways from the field. My mother in law was there looking after him. I was in the booth working as the spotter for my father in law.

We won the game 49-0. Opposing team had like 20 kids. They did their best but most had to play both ways. They were tired, lot's of false starts on offense, kids falling out of their serious injury where an opposing player was taken away in an ambulance in the 3rd quarter.

Sometimes it's difficult to accept the fact that my child, with his challenges will most likely never play football. I mean sure, it's possible. But with his cognitive delays and physical limitations, he most likely not be able to play. I read newspaper stories from around the country where a kid with Down Syndrome joins the high school football team. He's allowed to play and typically he gets in for one play during the season, the community rallies behind him...maybe that will happen. Too early to say. And in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter anyway? I'm tired and am rambling now...

Before Reece was born, I had dreams for my oldest son, football, baseball, other things that are typical for dads. I guess my dreams for him have changed. Other things are important now. High school graduation, having a job, living independently, being accepted and included, having friends...these are the things that are important to me now.

Bama plays VA Tech at 8PM tomorrow night...Roll Tide!! Both boys like to watch football on TV so this should be a fun weekend with College football getting under way.

Have a great long weekend everyone. I'll try and log in anything interesting that happens over the weekend.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Great Day at School for Reece!

Reece got 2 thumbs up at school today. A measure of his behavior in the morning and afternoon parts of the day. This is such a relief that he is settled while at school and able to focus and learn. ADHD is so disruptive to the learning process, but he appears to be doing OK!

Tonight he was pretty tired by the time I got home at 7:15. In fact, he went into our room, undressed, closed the shades and curtains, and climbed into bed. Of course, he didn't put new clothes on when he got into bed!!! So we got him in his PJs. He sat by the open window for a few minutes just looking outside and counting the cars and trees in the neighborhood. It's not often that he's so peaceful, but we're thankful!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Results From Reece's Ear Surgery

So Reece had his ear surgery this morning. The doctors did in fact find a cholesteatoma in his right ear. It was not as bad as they had originally thought. It was in his ear canal instead of in his inner ear which is why the CT scan missed it a few weeks ago. They removed the growth, cleaned him up, and put in his new ear tubes. He's good as new! Praise God!

Reece started school yesterday and has a new teacher and one-on-one aid. He had a great first day and the teachers were pleased with his behavior. His ADHD patch makes a big difference during the school day. He crashes at night though. Makes it difficult to have a sit-down dinner as a family when he's up every 10 seconds chasing the cats around the house or raiding his brothers dinner and drink.

College football starts in a few days and we are so excited we can't even sit still. This is the best time of the year by far. We've had great weather over the last few days. Nice crisp cool mornings with high temps in the low 70s. I love it.

Until next time...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Great books to read!

Two new books I'd recommend. The first is from Og Mandino called The Greatest Miracle in the World. The book includes a chapter called "The God Memorandum", a memo from God. Here's a snippet, "Take counsel. I hear your cry. It passes through the darkness, filters through the clouds, mingles with starlight, and finds it's way to my heart on the path of a sunbeam. I have anguished over the cry of a hare choked in the noose of a snare, a sparrow tumbled from the nest of its mother, a child thrashing helplessly in a pond, and a Son shedding His blood on a cross. Know that I hear you, also. Be at peace."

I also recommend "How to Listen to God" by Charles Stanley. This particular book tells how God communicates with us through His Word, and teaches us how to listen to God, and know when He is trying to get our attention. It's clear that God has used the challenges in my life to get my attention, and to lean on Him and trust Him for guidance and assistance.

Check these out and let me know what you think!

Reece's Surgery Tomorrow Morning

Sorry for the delay in getting a new post. Been traveling extensively on business and just got a little tuckered out.

Reece goes in for his ear surgery tomorrow morning. The plan is to get his ears cleaned out, find out what exactly is in his inner ear (hopefully not a cholesteatoma), and put his new ear tubes in. Admittedly, I'm concerned about what they'll find in his ear. He's been so uncomfortable since he last went in for surgery, but he's such a brave little kid with such a high tolerance for pain, holding his ears is the only way he can communicate his discomfort. Not being verbal is a challenge because he cannot really tell us what he's feeling. It's hard as a parent to know that your child cannot communicate how he's feeling.

I'll post tomorrow afternoon with an update!

Blessings to all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ear Surgery for Reece

Reece will also be going in for his ear surgery on September 1. I'm mildly concerned that they are going to find something in his ears that isn't good. We had that scare with cholesteatoma a few weeks ago. Not sure I'm over that yet. That was scary!

We've worked hard to keep him from getting water in his ears, and he seems to be feeling better. No more discharge from his ears and he doesn't appear to be in pain anymore. The catch on the surgery is that his ears need to be free of infection by 9/1. Let's pray that he's healed and get get his new tubes and a good hard look at his inner ear to make sure he's "healthy".

More from the road!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

35,000 Foot View

Writing you from a Delta flight from Atlanta to Washington Reagan National Airport. We're 35,000 feet up. How are you?

Finally heading home after my 7 day business trip...for a few days anyway. Head back out on Wednesday for a 3 day trip.

CA was great. One thing I learned...I work for a great company. I'm lucky. Great people, great leadership, great products. I'm lucky. I knew this already. But this past week solidified the feeling.

My wife did very well with the boys by themselves. Reece really only had one bad day that I heard of. They went and did some things, went to museums, etc. It was hot, so I'm glad they were able to get out of the house and not have to be in the heat.

More to come once I finally get home. Until then, I invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy my flight.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Inspirational Quote of the Day

"I will toil and I will endure. I will ignore the obstacles at my feet and keep mine eyes on the goals above my head, for I know that where dry desert ends, green grass grows." - Og Mandino from The Greatest Salesman in the World

Hello From California!

Greetings from Southern California. Today was Day 4 of a 7 day business trip. It's been good so far. I have been able to talk with my family each and every day so far. My youngest son cried on the phone last night because he wanted me to come home. It's heart breaking.

I think that as a dad, one of the hardest things I have to do is be away from my family for work. I never want to be the dad who's gone 5 days a week traveling. I accept the reality of a life in sales that requires being on the road. I'm OK with that. I actually like it. But it doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye to my family when I leave on a trip.

I know that Reece is a challenge and being home alone with the boys for 7 days is hard for my wife. Luckily, she has had some help from her youngest brother, and her family lives 1.5 miles away. Needless to say, I'll owe her big-time when I get home. But then again, I leave for another 3 day trip next Wednesday.

I'm at a sales training class this week. I love learning new things, especially in business and faith-based material.

I'd love to hear from others of you who travel, perhaps for extended periods of time, and how you deal with the stress and loneliness of being away from your families.

Until tomorrow, God bless you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Down Syndrome Awareness

Greetings from the road. Cincinnati tonight, heading to CA in the morning.

Had another opportunity to share my experiences with a colleague who was unaware of Down Syndrome, what it was, and what it means as a parent. This particular colleague just found out his wife is expecting child number 2 at age 38. I didn't want to scare him but the odds of him having a Down Syndrome child have increased because of his wife's age. I'm always hesitant to bring that up.

I had to explain what it meant for my son, his behaviors, what he looks like, cognitive delays, etc. This guy just didn't have a clue. There was absolutely no inkling of a possibility of his future child having any kind of challenge. It was my greatest fear when my wife was pregnant with Reece.

I once had a boss who was inspired by my strength in handling Down Syndrome, Reece's Rainbow, etc. and was always encouraging me to share my store with colleagues, clients, etc. I'm learning that it's not always an appropriate story to tell. Especially in today's social climate with the current healthcare debate...I'm not sure how I would react to someone indicating that they think my child is a drain on the healthcare system. I'm afraid that I might compromise my Christian values in my response.

I wonder if any one of you has any experience with people confronting you about your child and their special needs. I can infer from the comments of people who I know are pro choice when they say, "I know I couldn't go through with it". When they say they are afraid of having another child at thier age because of their experience with my son.

It stings. And I want to protect my son.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?

By the way - had a good 8 hour business meeting today with a strategic account. I'm encouraged by the opportunity.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Business Travel

Greetings from Lexington KY. I love this town. Beautiful rolling hills lines with white fences...real nice.

I always feel bad about leaving the family for business but as I sometimes tell my kids, it's part of being a dad. I know how much of a challenge Reece can be at times and I worry about the drain on my wife. But she says Reece was an angel today as she took him around to run some errands.

He seems to be relatively unaffected by the bee sting. I wonder if he even realized what had happened. But for now, all things are well on the home front. And that makes things easier on the road.

It's funny that part of doing my very best to take care of my family, even with the challenges of being a paretn of a child with special needs, is to be on the road for business. I really struggle with that sometimes. I see and hear of dads being home for baseball practice at 5PM 3 nights a week and wonder how they do it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

When the bees sting...

Reece got stung by a bee today. Handled it like a champ. I'm actually surprised he's not allergic to the sting to be honest.

He's been really isolating himself lately. He'll just go downstairs and play basketball and if I go down to see him he'll just say, "Dan-dee, go!" and then pushes me up the stairs.

I'm leaving for a business trip in the morning. I'll be gone for seven days. It will be difficult for my wife, and I always feel somewhat guilty for leaving, even on business.

I'll write from the road.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Interesting Time at the Fair

So we spent about 4 hours at the fair this evening. I don't think Reece wanted to be there. The area where the rides were was certainly too busy and loud for him. He has a sensory processing disorder. Sometimes he does well. Others he doesn't. But there were some areas where the animals and petting zoos were that he did quite well.

In the Bunny Barn he literally went cage by cage (there were hundreds of them) to peek in on each rabbit to say hello. He loved the goats and sheep. Funny, but hearing the sheep say "baaah" sounded remarkably similar to how Reece sounds when he says "Ahmbee" (Mommy). He did play a few games and won a prize (he chose a slinky). My youngest won two goldfish. We have 4 cats. It will be an interesting night.

For a while now I've been thinking Reece is mildly autistic on top of his Down Syndrome, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorder. Doctors always say he isn't. But in reading an article on Autistic Spectrum Disorder, maybe he is. It's hard because the other three challenges often ask as a mask, making behavioral diagnoses difficult to pin down. We've had him evaluated by several highly regarded specialists but, nothing. I think we'll have him tested again now that he's 7, more verbal, and further along congnitively.

Montgomery County Fair

We're leaving for the Montgomery County Fair in a few minutes. This is going to go one of two ways. Either Reece will be overwhelmed by the noise and activity, or he'll love it so much that he'll go limp on the ground when it's time to go and force me to carry him several hundred yards to the car.

I hope he loves it. I'll be back with an update and maybe some pictures later tonight!